• Indonesia's Equity Market: Focus on US-China Turmoil & Fed Meeting

    Those who invest in Indonesian assets (or actually in any assets across the globe) will need to carefully monitor two matters this week. First, the upcoming Federal Reserve policy meeting (scheduled for 25-26 September 2018) that will most likely result in another interest rate hike. And secondly, the latest developments in USA-China (trade) relations.

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  • Widodo Signs Moratorium on New Palm Oil Plantations in Indonesia

    Indonesian President Joko Widodo kept his promise (that he made in April 2016) by signing Presidential Instruction No 8/2018 on the Delay and Evaluation of Permits and Elevated Productivity of Oil Palm Plantations. Through this instruction expansion of oil palm plantations is cut short for the coming three years, while the government also seeks to evaluate and reorganize permits and  procedures in this industry.

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