• Ma'ruf Amin Non-Active MUI Chairman Until Indonesia's 2019 Elections

    After Ma'ruf Amin, who is Chairman of the Indonesian Ulema Council (in Indonesian: Majelis Ulama Indonesia, or MUI), accepted Indonesian President Joko Widodo's invitation to become the latter's running mate in Indonesia's 2019 presidential election, there occurred some uncertainty about Amin's position within the MUI.

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  • Astra International Targets to Raise Market Share

    Astra International, one of the biggest companies that is listed on the Indonesia Stock Exchange (in terms of market capitalization), targets to boost its market share in Indonesia's automotive industry to 50 percent before the end of the year.

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  • Australian PM Scott Morrison to visit Jakarta for IA-CEPA

    While daily newspaper Sydney Morning Herald reports that Australian Prime Minister Scott Morrison will visit Jakarta on 31 August 2018 to announce the completion of the Indonesia-Australia Comprehensive Economic Partnership Agreement (IA-CEPA), Indonesian newspaper Kompas reports that Morrison will come to Jakarta for further IA-CEPA negotiations (only).

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