• Indonesia Investments' Newsletter of 16 July 2018 Released

    On 16 July 2018 Indonesia Investments released the latest edition of its newsletter. This free newsletter, which is sent to our subscribers once per week, contains the most important news stories from Indonesia that have been reported on our website over the past seven days. Most of the topics involve economy and market-related topics such as Freeport Indonesia's divestment process, the 2018 State Budget, corporate green bonds, coal mining, FDI, and more.

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  • Indonesia to Obtain a Controlling Stake in Freeport's Grasberg Mine

    The Indonesian government and US mining giant Freeport-McMoRan Copper & Gold Inc are entering the final stage of the divestment process after both sides signed the Head of Agreement on Thursday (12/07). The agreement means that state-owned mining company Indonesia Asahan Aluminum (Inalum) will obtain a 51.23 percent stake in Freeport Indonesia via a series of complex deals worth USD $3.85 billion.

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  • Coal Mining Update Indonesia: Production, Export & Price

    According to the latest data from Indonesia's Energy and Mineral Resources Ministry, the nation's coal production reached 163.4 million tons in the first half of 2018. This may seem a very low figure considering the Indonesian government targets national coal production at (a maximum of) 485 million in full-year 2018 (and not unoften this target is exceeded as local coal companies are eager to boost sales, particularly in times of high coal prices).

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  • Escalating Trade War Impacts on Indonesia's Commodity Prices

    Earlier this week US President Donald Trump announced plans to impose 10 percent import tariffs on USD $200 billion worth of Chinese export products by 30 August 2018, thus further escalating the trade war between the USA and China. While earlier US tariffs focused mostly on industrial goods, the new list of proposed import tariffs includes various commodities (metals, energy and agriculture) as well as consumer products. As a result most commodity prices were in red territory on Wednesday (11/07).

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