• Indonesia Investments' Newsletter of 26 February 2018 Released

    On 26 February 2018 Indonesia Investments released the latest edition of its newsletter. This free newsletter, which is sent to our subscribers once per week, contains the most important news stories from Indonesia that have been reported on our website over the last seven days. Most of the topics involve economy and market-related topics such as green bonds, the trade balance, corruption, infrastructure development, coal mining, anti-dumping duties, and much more.

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  • First in Asia; Indonesia Sells $1.25 Billion of Global Green Bonds

    The government of Indonesia raised USD $1.25 billion through the issuance of global "green" bonds, hence becoming the first Asian country to issue this type of bond. With the proceeds from the green bond the Indonesian government will fund projects that have positive environmental and/or climate benefits.

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  • Banking Sector Indonesia Still Lacks Confidence in Mining Industry

    Local banks in Indonesia remain hesitant to disburse loans to companies that are engaged in Indonesia's mining sector due to the high degree of bad debt in this sector. Hence, credit disbursement to the country's mining sector continues to shrink. On the one hand, it is positive that Indonesia's banking sector becomes less dependent on the volatile movement of mining commodity prices.

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  • Gov't of Indonesia to Delay New Shipping and Insurance Regulation?

    After receiving criticism from various stakeholders, the Indonesian government reportedly decided to postpone the implementation of a new regulation that requires all domestic coal, palm oil and rice exporters to use ships that are owned by local sea shipping companies and requires them to use domestic insurance.

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