• Indonesia Investments' Newsletter of 18 June 2017 Released

    On 18 June 2017, Indonesia Investments released the latest edition of its newsletter. This free newsletter, which is sent to our subscribers once per week, contains the most important news stories from Indonesia that have been reported on our website over the last seven days. Most of the topics involve economy-related matters such as Bank Indonesia's monetary policy, Indonesia's banking sector, the difficulty for Indonesia to become an innovative economy, foreign investment, IPOs, the bond market, and much more.

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  • Indonesia & Hong Kong to Share Taxpayers' Bank Account Data

    In its "war on tax evasion" Indonesia scored another victory by reaching an agreement ("Bilateral Competent Authority Agreement") with Hong Kong to share data of Indonesian taxpayers who hold accounts in the Asian wealth management hub. Indonesia's Tax Office assumes (or better: knows) there are plenty of wealthy Indonesians who take advantage of the low tax regime in Hong Kong and deliberately do not report these funds to Indonesian authorities.

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  • Riding the Momentum, Number of IPOs in Indonesia on the Rise

    Indonesia's economic acceleration, the nation's recently obtained investment grade status from Standard & Poor's (S&P) and the (near) record high position of the benchmark Jakarta Composite Index makes it more attractive for Indonesian companies to conduct an initial public offering (IPO) on the Indonesia Stock Exchange. Moreover, the Federal Reserve is committed not to cause too much volatility in markets by acting cautiously and communicating its (possible future) moves clearly.

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  • Bond Sale Semen Indonesia Oversubscribed 1.3 Times

    Bonds of Indonesian cement manufacturer Semen Indonesia are subscribed 1.3 times. Semen Indonesia Finance Director Darmawan Junaidi said the company planned to sell IDR 3 trillion worth of five-year bonds (8.6 percent coupon), but demand reached IDR 4 trillion. Most demand originated from domestic financial institutions such as banks, insurance and pension funds.

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