• Pole Position: Indonesia Remains Largest Car Market within ASEAN

    Indonesia remains the biggest market for cars in the ASEAN region. Based on the latest data from the ASEAN Automotive Federation a total of 3.16 million cars were sold in the ASEAN region in 2016. Around 33 percent of these total sales occurred in Indonesia, the largest economy among ASEAN countries. In 2016 a total of 1.06 million vehicles were sold in Indonesia. On second place came Thailand with 768,788 sold cars. However, in terms of car production, Thailand remains on pole position in the ASEAN region.

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  • Cleaning Up Indonesia's Chaotic Mineral & Coal Mining Sector

    Efforts of Indonesian authorities to clean up the nation's mineral and coal mining industries met resistance. Various local mining companies that saw their Mining Business Permit (in Indonesian: Izin Usaha Pertambangan, or IUP) being revoked by Indonesia's Energy and Mineral Resources Ministry object to the government's move, despite authorities' claim that they are only revoking those permits of miners that have failed to obtain the mandatory clean and clear certificate (CnC).

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  • Be Aware of Illegal Investment Offers & Online Scams in Indonesia

    Indonesia's Financial Services Authority (OJK) warns domestic and foreign investors about the presence of unclear, sometimes even illegal, online platforms or companies that offer lucrative investment opportunities. In the first two months of 2017 the OJK already forced the closure of 19 illegal platforms and companies as they were considered harmful for the consumer or investor. Several of these 19 obscure entities do not even have a clear address.

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  • Biggest Publicly Listed Indonesian Companies Did Well in 2016

    After having experienced overall weakening corporate earnings in 2015, Indonesia's largest companies saw rising net profit in full-year 2016 (in line with Indonesia's accelerating macroeconomic expansion last year). Of the ten biggest Indonesian companies (biggest in terms of largest market capitalization on the Indonesia Stock Exchange) only cigarette manufacturer Gudang Garam is yet to release its full-year 2016 financial results. The combined results of the other nine showed a marked improvement from the situation one year earlier.

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