• Utilization of Indonesia's Car Manufacturing Capacity Low

    The utilization of Indonesia's installed car production capacity is expected to fall from 58 percent in 2016 to 55 percent in 2017 as the expansion of domestic manufacturing capacity is not in line with growth of domestic car sales and car exports. Indonesia's car production capacity rose 14 percent (y/y) to 2.2 million units in 2017 due to the start of operations at two factories (owned by Mitsubishi and Wuling). However, the actual car production figure of Indonesia is estimated to reach 1.2 million units only in 2017 (up 9 percent from 1.1 million units in the preceding year).

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  • Federal Reserve Raises Rate by 0.25%, What's the Impact on Asia?

    In line with expectations, the Federal Reserve raised its benchmark interest rate by 25 basis-points to the range of 0.75 - 1.00 percent on Wednesday (15/03). It was the Fed's third rate hike in the past 15 months. As this hike had already been expected by basically all market participants it was more important to learn the Fed's stance on the pace and number of further rate hikes in 2017. On this matter Fed Chief Janet Yellen remained rather dovish, saying any further hikes in 2017 would be gradual. Wall Street now expects to see two more hikes in 2017.

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  • Cruise Ship Damages Coral Reef in Indonesia's Raja Ampat

    The Indonesian government said it will take immediate action after British cruise ship Caledonian Sky, operated by British-based company Noble Caledonia, seriously damaged part of the coral reefs in Raja Ampat (Papua) in a shipwreck accident that happened on 4 March 2017. Immediate action could include the extradition of the ship's captain back to Indonesia. After the accident the Caledonian Sky sailed further to the Philippines.

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  • Import & Export: BPS Releases Indonesia's February Trade Data

    Indonesia Statistics (BPS) announced on Wednesday (15/03) that Indonesia's exports and imports grew at a slower pace in February 2017 (compared to the preceding month). This performance was in line with expectations. While Indonesia's exports grew 11.16 percent year-on-year (y/y) to USD $12.57 billion in February 2017, its imports grew 10.61 percent (y/y) to USD $11.26 billion over the same period.

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