• Non Performing Loans (NPLs) May Rise in Indonesia's Banking Sector

    Chances are big that the banking sector of Indonesia will see the non performing loan (NPL) ratio rise up to the range of 3.0 - 3.5 percent in 2017. Anton Gunawan, Chief Economist at state-controlled Bank Mandiri, says the rising NPL ratio is not so much caused by the lower quality of credit in Indonesia's banking system. The bigger problem is rising "special mention" loans, a loan grade that refers to assets that pose potential weaknesses that require close attention.

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  • Investment Grade Rating from S&P to Boost Capital flows into Indonesia

    American finance firm Goldman Sachs Group Inc expects a big flow of funds from Japan to enter Indonesia's capital markets if credit rating agency Standard & Poor's (S&P) decides to upgrade Indonesia's sovereign debt rating to investment grade. While Fitch Ratings and Moody's Investors Service have already upgraded Indonesia to investment grade status several years ago, S&P still rates Indonesia's debt one notch below investment grade, implying various big institutional investors cannot invest in Indonesian debt as they require investment grade ratings from all three key credit ratings agencies.

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  • How Indonesia Responds to the Looming US Fed Funds Rate Hike

    Ahead of looming higher interest rates in the USA, Indonesia's financial authorities seem confident that the impact of tightening US monetary policy on Indonesia's capital markets will be controlled as Indonesia's economic fundamentals are solid, while the nation's central bank (Bank Indonesia) and government are ready to step in to stabilize the rupiah exchange rate or the pace of capital flows, if needed.

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  • Royal Bank of Scotland NV Ends Business Activities in Indonesia

    Indonesia's state news agency Antara reported that the Financial Services Authority (OJK), the government agency that regulates and supervises the financial services sector, revoked the license of the local unit of the Royal Bank of Scotland NV (RBS NV), hence effectively ending the company's business in Indonesia. The revocation was conducted on request of the lender's headquarters in the Netherlands. This request was sent on 1 November 2016. The bank had a long history in Indonesia. RBS NV started operations in 1969 in Southeast Asia's largest economy under the name ABN AMRO BANK NV Indonesia.

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