• Live Update Jakarta Gubernatorial Election: Quick Count Results

    Starting from 7:00 am local Jakarta time on Wednesday (15/02), the capital city of Indonesia is voting for their next governor. There are more than 13,000 polling places spread across Jakarta to accommodate the 7.1 million eligible voters. Although actually in more than 100 provinces, cities and districts the regional heads are being elected today, most attention goes to Jakarta where ethnic and religious tensions are high due to the participation of incumbent Jakarta Governor Basuki Tjahaja Purnama (better known as Ahok), a Christian, ethnic Chinese politician who is being prosecuted for blasphemy.

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  • Manufacturing Sector Indonesia Absorbs 16.3 Million Workers

    Indonesia's manufacturing sector is targeted to provide employment to a total of 16.3 million workers in 2017, up 5 percent from 15.5 million workers in the preceding year. As such, development of the manufacturing industry is a good strategy to reduce Indonesia's unemployment rate. Industries within the manufacturing sector of Indonesia that absorb the highest number of workers are the textile, footwear, food & beverage, and automotive industries.

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  • Tax Buoyancy Indonesia: GDP Growth & Tax Revenue are Asynchronous

    There is concern about Indonesia's tax buoyancy. Tax buoyancy is the indicator that measures efficiency and responsiveness of revenue mobilization in response to growth in gross domestic product (GDP) or national income. While, Indonesia's GDP accelerated 5.02 percent (y/y) in 2016, the country's tax revenue realization only rose 4.2 percent (y/y) to IDR 1,104.9 trillion (approx. USD $83.1 billion). Since 2011 (when commodity prices plunged heavily) tax buoyancy has been weakening in Indonesia.

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  • Update 3rd Runway at Indonesia's Soekarno-Hatta Airport

    State-owned airport services company Angkasa Pura II, which operates airports in the western part of Indonesia, says construction of the third runway of the Soekarno-Hatta International Airport (located just outside Jakarta) will start in April 2017. This new runway, which requires about IDR 2 trillion (approx. USD $150 million) worth of investment, is expected to be ready for use in mid-2018. Soekarno-Hatta International Airport, the country's main port of entrance, is target of an ambitious expansion and renovation program with the aim to boost competitiveness by raising the airport's passenger capacity and flight frequency.

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