• Political Corruption Indonesia: Former Minister Dahlan Iskan Arrested

    Another (former) minister under the Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono administration was arrested in a corruption case. On Thursday (27/10) former state-owned enterprises minister Dahlan Iskan was named a suspect and arrested by the Prosecutor Office of East Java. Dahlan is suspected of being involved in irregular sales of assets owned by the Province of East Java and managed by regional state-owned property company Panca Wira Usaha. Dahlan served as president director of Panca Wira Usaha between 2000-2009. The irregular sales were reportedly conducted between 2002-2004.

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  • Ease of Doing Business in Indonesia Improving, Time for Complacency?

    Indonesia's improving ranking in the World Bank's Ease of Doing Business Index shows that the government's reform efforts have had a positive effect. However, there is no time for complacency as most industries in Indonesia continue to lack competitiveness compared to regional counterparts, while many entrepreneurs in Indonesia continue to complain about (the lack of) legal certainty as well as (the lack of) good coordination and cooperation between Indonesia's central and regional governments (in terms of policy implementation).

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  • Indonesia's Parliament Approves Government's 2017 State Budget

    Indonesia's House of Representatives (DPR) approved the central government's 2017 State Budget (APBN 2017) in a plenary session on Wednesday (26/10). This budget is considered realistic with the economic growth target set at 5.1 percent (y/y), government spending at IDR 2,080.5 trillion (approx. USD $160 billion), government revenue at IDR 1,750.3 trillion (approx. USD $135 billion), and the budget deficit at 2.41 percent of gross domestic product (GDP).

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  • Performance Indonesia's One Million Houses Program Better in 2017?

    Indonesia's Public Works & Housing is hopeful that the government's One Million Houses program will be more successful in 2017 supported by the 13th economic policy package that aims to ease red tape surrounding the construction of low-cost housing for the poorer segments of Indonesian society as well as high demand for property due to improving purchasing power amid low inflation and accelerating economic growth.

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