• Lamicitra Nusantara to Delist from Indonesia Stock Exchange

    Indonesian property and real estate developer Lamicitra Nusantara announced its plan to delist from the Indonesia Stock Exchange (IDX). Another listed company will also voluntarily delist from the IDX. However, Samsul Hidayat, Director of Corporate Listing at the IDX, refrained from naming this company. He did confirm that two companies - including Lamicitra Nusantara - have visited the IDX to discuss the delisting.

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  • Steel Industry Indonesia: Local Steel Gaining Market Share

    The Indonesian Iron and Steel Association (IISIA) predicts that steel sales in Indonesia will grow nearly 9 percent (y/y) to 12.5 million tons in 2016, from 11.5 million tons in 2015, on the back of new infrastructure projects. IISIA Director for International Relations Purwono Widodo adds that the market share of locally-produced steel is expected to rise from 40 percent to 60 percent. This is a positive development because the steel market in Indonesia has been dominated by imports (mostly from China).

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  • Number of Internet Users Rising Rapidly in Indonesia

    According to the Indonesian Internet Service Provider Association (or APJII) there are currently 132.7 million Internet users in Indonesia, or approximately 51.8 percent of the total Indonesian population. These figures, which are the result of a survey, are much higher compared to 2014 when APJII data show that there were 88 million Internet users in Indonesia. Meanwhile, APJII Chairman Jamalul Izza informed that about 70 percent of Indonesian Internet users use a mobile device to access the Internet.

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  • Boosting Certainty through Indonesia's Land Certification Program

    The government of Indonesia will raise efforts to accelerate the land certification program. By 2025 it targets all land across Indonesia to be certified, hence no longer being plagued by unclarity regarding the legal status of land. Sofan Djalil, Minister of Land and Spatial Planning, said his ministry targets to issue 1.03 million new land certificates this year, followed by five million in 2017, seven million in 2018, and nine million in 2019. After 2019, the ministry targets to issue 10 million land certificates per year. Clarity about land ownership improves social justice and makes infrastructure projects less difficult.

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