• Indonesia Investments' Newsletter of 28 August 2016 Released

    On 28 August 2016, Indonesia Investments released the latest edition of its newsletter. This free newsletter, which is sent to our subscribers once per week, contains the most important news stories from Indonesia that have been reported on our website over the last seven days. Most of the topics involve economy-related topics such as Indonesia's 13th economic policy package, an update on the tax amnesty program, US monetary policy, the tobacco and cement industries, the Palapa Ring project, and more.

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  • Federal Reserve's Janet Yellen: Case for US Rate Hike Strengthens

    After the speech of Federal Reserve Chair Janet Yellen at an annual meeting of central bankers in Jackson Hole (Wyoming) on Friday (26/08), speculation about a looming Fed Funds Rate hike has risen. In her speech Yellen said the case for higher US interest rates has strengthened in recent months due to the nation's economic growth and stronger jobs market. Meanwhile, Federal Reserve Vice Chairman Stanley Fischer said a US interest rate hike could come as early as September 2016.

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  • Business Leaders Indonesia Reject Mandatory CSR Program

    Indonesia's business community rejects the proposal of the House of Representatives (DPR) to impose mandatory corporate social responsibility (CSR) programs on Indonesian companies. A proposal that is being discussed among the DPR stipulates that companies need to allocate about 2 - 3 percent of their annual spending for their CSR programs. Hariyadi Sukamdani, Chairman of the Indonesian Employers Association (Apindo), informed that Indonesian employers generally reject the proposal. Instead the government should focus on improving companies' tax compliance (which remains very low).

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  • 13th Economic Policy Package Indonesia: Low-Cost Housing

    Earlier this week the government of Indonesia released its 13th economic policy package. This 13th edition focuses on the reduction of bureaucracy (red tape) in a bid to boost the construction of low-cost housing for the poorer segments of Indonesian society. Currently, property developers are required to obtain 33 permits before they can start to build affordable housing for the low-income people of Indonesia. This results in a costly and time-consuming process.

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