• Mega-Merger in Indonesia: Gojek & Tokopedia Announce Establishment of Holding

    Although we already discussed the (then-looming) merger between Aplikasi Karya Anak Bangsa (Gojek) and Tokopedia in detail in our January 2021 report, we do feel it is justified to cover this topic once more – albeit slightly more succinct this time – since it is now official (announced on 17 May 2021) that both sides re to merge, thus creating a massive entity (named GoTo) with an impressive and unique ecosystem.

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  • Indonesian Government Plans to Raise Value-Added Tax (VAT) in 2022; Example of Bad Timing?

    While Indonesia is still in the middle of the COVID-19 crisis, albeit – most likely – set to exit the economic recession in the second quarter of 2021 due to the so-called low base effect, and while Indonesian consumers continue to display reluctance to spend (reflected by 16 consecutive months of contracting retail trade on an annual basis), the Indonesian government expressed its intention to raise Indonesia’s Value-Added Tax (VAT, or in Indonesian: Pajak Pertambahan Nilai, abbreviated as PPN).

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  • Textile and Garment Industry of Indonesia; More than Just Clothes, but Challenges Persist

    The textile and textile products industry (which includes garments or clothes) is a very important one for the Indonesian economy because this industry ranks among the country’s biggest foreign exchange earners (thanks to strong exports), while also providing jobs to more than 3.7 million Indonesians, and contributing nearly seven percent to the country’s gross domestic product (GDP) – provided we only take non-oil and gas manufacturing into account – or around 1.25 percent of total GDP.

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