• Radical Islam in Indonesia: Most Wanted Terrorist Killed by Police?

    Indonesian Police killed two Islamic militants during a shootout in a the jungle on Indonesia's Sulawesi island on Monday evening (18/07). Reportedly - but not confirmed yet by authorities - one of these militants is Indonesia's most wanted Islamic militant Abu "Santoso" Wardah, an Islamic State supporter and leader of the East Indonesia Mujahidin terrorist cells. This group's "headquarters" are believed to be located in the jungle surrounding Poso (Central Sulawesi).

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  • Poverty in Indonesia: 10.86% of Indonesians is Poor (March 2016)

    According to the latest data from Statistics Indonesia (BPS) there were 28.01 million Indonesians living below the poverty line in March 2016, or 10.86 percent of the total Indonesian population. This is an improvement from September 2015 when Indonesia's poverty figure stood at 11.13 percent, or 28.51 million in absolute terms. Indonesia's central statistics agency releases the nation's poverty figures twice per year, covering the months March and September.

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  • Internet & Smartphone Penetration in Indonesia Estimated to Grow Strongly

    Audit, assurance, tax & consulting services firm PricewaterhouseCoopers (PwC) estimates that the world population will number 7.4 billion by 2020. Nearly 52 percent of this population - 3.84 billion - is expected to be connected to the Internet through a smartphone or portable tablet with around half of this Internet audience expected to be able to access high-speed broadband (at least 30 Mbps). PwC added that most of these Internet users - some 92 percent - live outside the United States. Meanwhile, market research company eMarketer expects to see 4.1 billion Internet users by 2020, up from 3.21 billion in 2015.

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  • Indonesia Investments' Newsletter of 17 July 2016 Released

    On 17 July 2016, Indonesia Investments released the latest edition of its newsletter. This free newsletter, which is sent to our subscribers once per week, contains the most important news stories from Indonesia that have been reported on our website over the last seven days. Most of the topics involve economic matters such as the performance of stocks and the rupiah in the post-Brexit era, the tax amnesty program, the moratorium on new palm oil concessions, the South China Sea case, the trade balance, company profiles, and more.

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