• Aviation Industry Indonesia 2016: Air Passenger Growth Expected at 15%

    The Indonesia National Air Carriers Association (INACA) expects the number of air passengers in Indonesia to grow 15 percent (y/y) in full-year 2016, roughly the same as growth realization one year earlier. In the first five months of 2016 there were a total of 37.38 million air passengers - both domestic and international flights - in Indonesia, up 16 percent (y/y) from the number of air passengers in the same period last year. INACA added that the Idul Fitri holiday period will not be able to boost total passengers significantly due to limited slot times.

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  • Indonesia Stock Market & Rupiah: Stocks Rally in Post-Brexit Reality

    In the post-Brexit reality, stocks have been performing well, worldwide, with the exception of the week of 4 July when markets were hit by profit-taking amid heightened concern about the world's economic fundamentals. Apart from that week (when Indonesian markets were closed for a public holiday) stocks have been rallying, fueled by optimism about monetary stimulus from key central banks. So far this week, gains in worldwide stocks reappeared, fed by a positive (but not too positive) US jobs report and the prospect of more stimulus from central banks.

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  • Tribunal to Issue Ruling on Territorial Disputes in South China Sea

    Today, around 16:00 pm local Jakarta time, members of the Den Haag-based Permanent Court of Arbitration are expected to issue the "South China Sea ruling", or the decision over a legal challenge - filed by the Philippines in 2013 - against China's efforts to establish military installations on or near strategic points in the South China Sea. Based on its "nine-dash line", China claims over 80 percent of the South China Sea. Other nations in the region, however, object to China's claims.

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  • Financial Update Indonesia: Strong Risk Appetite Around the Globe

    Asian markets performed well today on an upbeat US jobs report. Indonesia's benchmark Jakarta Composite Index hit a 13-month high at 5,069.02 points after strengthening 1.97 percent on Monday (11/07), led by financials and consumer staples. In June the US economy added 287,000 jobs, beating forecasts and signalling that the US economy remains reasonably healthy. However, another Fed Funds Rate hike is still believed to be off the table and therefore investors started the week with strong appetite for riskier assets.

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