• Indonesia Removes Global Bonds' Withholding Tax to Cut Yields

    The Finance Ministry of Indonesia announced that it has removed a withholding tax on interest payments on its global sovereign bonds (surat berharga negara, or SBN). Previously this tax was set at 15 percent for Indonesia-based investors and 20 percent for non-resident investors. By removing the withholding tax Indonesia's authorities aim to see its global bond yields fall by 15-20 percent. Indonesia's bond yields have been the highest in Southeast Asia. The removal of the withholding tax is effective retroactively from 1 January 2016.

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  • Indonesia Investments' Newsletter of 26 June 2016 Released

    On 26 June 2016, Indonesia Investments released the latest edition of its newsletter. This free newsletter, which is sent to our subscribers once per week, contains the most important news stories from Indonesia that have been reported on our website over the last seven days. Most of the topics involve economic matters such as the impact of the "Brexit" on Indonesia, the lower benchmark interest rate of Bank Indonesia, Indonesia's trade balance, the Tax Amnesty Bill, commodities, and much more.

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  • Tax Amnesty Bill Indonesia: to Be Implemented Soon?

    Indonesia's House of Representatives and the government seem to agree that the Tax Amnesty Bill, a controversial proposal from the central government to make it attractive for (former) tax evaders to come clean and repatriate their funds to Indonesia, should come into effect soon, perhaps even as early as 1 July 2016. Indonesian lawmaker Supriyatno, who leads a parliamentary working group that discusses the bill, said all factions - except two - have reached a compromise on the Tax Amnesty Bill. A total of ten factions joined the discussions.

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  • Brexit is Real, Britain Leaves the European Union, Global Impact

    Indonesian assets are under pressure on Friday (24/06) due to the exiting of the United Kingdom from the European Union (EU). After votes of yesterday's referendum were counted the so-called "Brexit"is a reality. Nearly 52 percent of the 16.1 million voters chose to depart from the EU. Shortly after the news UK Prime Minister David Cameron announced he is to step down in October. Meanwhile, global financial markets are in deep red territory as investors are in search of safe haven assets such as the US dollar, Japanese yen, Swiss franc, and gold.

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