• Fishing Industry Indonesia: Leading Tuna Producer, Concern about Overfishing

    Indonesia has become one of the largest - if not the largest - tuna producing countries around the globe. It is estimated that Indonesia supplies about one million tons of the saltwater finfish per year or 16 percent of the world's total tuna supply. As such, the tuna fishing industry has become a vital component of Indonesia's fishing industry and an increasingly important foreign exchange earner within the overall economy. Susi Pudjiastuti, Minister of Maritime and Fisheries, is confident that Indonesia will enhance its key role in the world's tuna industry.

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  • Indonesian Rupiah & Stocks Fall on Hawkish Fed Minutes

    Both the Indonesian rupiah and Jakarta Composite Index (IHSG) are under pressure on Thursday (19/05) as renewed speculation about a sooner-than-expected interest rate hike in the USA puts severe pressure on emerging market assets, while the US dollar is appreciating sharply. Based on the minutes of the 26-27 April Federal Reserve meeting, more and more analysts believe that another Fed Fund Rate hike could come as early as June 2016.

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  • Weak Infrastructure Blocks Investment in Indonesia's Cold Storage Industry

    The cold storage industry of Indonesia needs IDR 12 trillion (approx. USD $902 million) of additional investment in order to raise installed capacity to a sufficient level. Currently, Indonesia still has to cope with a deficit in terms of the availability of cold storage facilities. This causes a problem for the preserving as well as the transportation of (processed) seafood, chicken meat, fruits and vegetables. At the start of 2016 the Indonesian government announced it would open the cold storage industry to foreign investment for the full 100 percent. However, investment realization has been limited.

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  • Income Tax on Indonesia's Government Bonds to Be Removed?

    The Indonesian government is studying whether to remove the income tax on sovereign bonds (surat berharga negara, or SBN) which is currently set at 15 percent for Indonesia-based investors and 20 percent for non-resident investors. The Indonesian Finance Ministry and Financial Services Authority (OJK) will include this topic in the revision of the Income Tax Law (that is to be proposed to the House of Representatives in early 2017). Other revisions include a lower corporate income tax and a higher non-taxable income rate for individuals.

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