• Indonesia Has 100 Million Internet Users, Internet Penetration at 40%

    The Association of Internet Service Providers in Indonesia (APJII) announced that Internet penetration in Indonesia has now reached 40 percent of the population, or 100 million Internet users. Jamalul Izza, Chairman of the APJII, said this milestone is the result of the joint efforts the government, Internet services providers and other stakeholders to make Internet access available across the archipelago and create a conducive regulatory environment. However, it also implies that 60 percent of the population - some 150 million people - still live without Internet.

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  • Cement Sales in Indonesia Rise 4.2% in January-April 2016

    Cement sales in Indonesia in the first four months of 2016 reached 19.3 million tons, up 4.2 percent (y/y) from the January-April period one year earlier, supported by additional cement supplies by three newcomers in Indonesia's cement industry and higher cement demand. The three newcomers supplied 600,000 tons of cement in the first four months. Trimegah Securities noted that without these additional supplies, Indonesia's cement sales in January-April 2016 would only have increased 0.7 percent (y/y).

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  • Foreign Investment: Bilateral Cooperation Indonesia & South Korea

    Investors from South Korea plan to invest up to USD $18 billion in Indonesia. Indonesian President Joko Widodo, Chairman of the Chamber of Commerce & Industry (Kadin) Rosan Perkasa Roeslani, Trade Minister Thomas Lembong and Foreign Minister Retno Marsudi witnessed the signing of business agreements and memorandums of understanding (MoU) in Seoul on Monday (16/05), covering bilateral cooperation in infrastructure development such as power plants, gas pipelines and railways as well as trade, creative economy, environment, and maritime affairs.

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  • Indonesia's 16-Month Falling Car Sales Streak is Over

    Car sales in Indonesia grew 4.6 percent (y/y) to 84,703 vehicles in April 2016 from 81,000 vehicles in the same month last year. This is a remarkable result as monthly car sales growth (on a year-on-year basis) had been declining for 16 straight months previously. Stakeholders in the automotive industry hope that this is the start of a rebound, in line with accelerating economic growth. In the first quarter of 2016 Indonesia's economic growth accelerated to a growth pace of 4.92 percent (y/y), higher than the 4.73 percent GDP growth pace in the same quarter last year.

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