• Indonesia Investments' Newsletter of 17 April 2016 Released

    On 17 April 2016, Indonesia Investments released the latest edition of its newsletter. This free newsletter, which is sent to our subscribers once per week, contains the most important news stories from Indonesia that have been reported on our website over the last seven days. Most of the topics involve hot topics and economic matters such as an update on GDP growth, Bank Indonesia's new benchmark monetary tool, the palm oil sector, the coal price, the trade balance, an excise tax on plastic items, and more.

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  • GDP Update: What about Indonesia's Economic Growth in Q1-2016?

    Darmin Nasution, the Chief Economics Minister of Indonesia, said economic growth of Indonesia in the first quarter of 2016 may be somewhat curtailed as the (food) harvest season has shifted from March to April and May. The harvest season is important for the economy because it causes a multiplier effect. However, government-led infrastructure investment may still be able to push Indonesia's gross domestic product (GDP) growth higher in Q1-2016 compared with the 5.04 percent (y/y) growth of Q4-2015. Nasution said he expects a Q1-2016 GDP growth rate around 5.1 - 5.2 percent (y/y).

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  • Trade Balance Indonesia: $490 Million Surplus in March 2016

    Indonesia's Statistics Agency (BPS) announced today that the nation's trade balance posted a USD $490 million trade surplus in March 2016. In line with analysts' forecasts, Indonesia's March trade surplus shrank considerably from a USD $1.1 billion surplus one month earlier. Indonesia's March exports reached a total of USD $11.79 billion, while imports were recorded at USD $11.30 billion. Although the nation's exports and imports rose compared to the preceding month, there remains ongoing concern about the slumping export/import figures on a year-on-year basis.

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  • Toll Road Development Indonesia: State-Owned Companies Take Over

    Two of Indonesia's state-controlled companies will acquire at least 11 toll road concessions (with a total length of 525.7 kilometers and combined value of IDR 53.5 trillion or approx. USD $4.1 billion) from the private sector in the next two years. Toll road operator Jasa Marga is expected to acquire four toll road projects with a total length of 262.3 kilometers, estimated to be worth IDR 18.4 trillion (approx. USD $1.4 billion). Meanwhile construction firm Waskita Karya plans to acquire seven toll road projects (with a combined length of 263.4 kilometers), take-overs estimated to require IDR 35.1 trillion (approx. USD $2.7 billion) of investment.

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