• Foreign Exchange Reserves Indonesia Fall to $102 Billion in January

    The central bank of Indonesia (Bank Indonesia) announced on Friday (05/02) that Indonesia's foreign exchange reserves declined USD $3.8 billion to USD $102.1 billion at the end of January 2016. This fall was caused by government (foreign) debt settlements as well as interest payments over global bonds. The central bank emphasized that the country's foreign exchange reserves are still at a safe level as they can adequately cover 7.5 months of imports or 7.2 months of imports and servicing of government external debt repayment, well above the global reserve standard at three months of imports.

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  • Indonesia Investments' Newsletter of 7 February 2016 Released

    On 7 February 2016, Indonesia Investments released the latest edition of its newsletter. This free newsletter, which is sent to our subscribers once per week, contains the most important news stories from Indonesia that have been reported on our website over the last seven days. Most of the topics involve economic matters such as an analysis of 2015 GDP growth realization, tax revenue, inflation, manufacturing activity, foreign relations, business restructuring of Panasonic and Toshiba, consumer confidence, the IKEA court case, the Zika virus, and more.

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  • Super Bowl 50 Adds: $5 Million for 30 Seconds of Fame

    This evening at 6:30 pm ET American football fans will be ready to watch the most important game of the year: the Super Bowl. In this year's edition - the 50th edition - the Carolina Panthers and Denver Broncos will face off in front of a worldwide audience and compete for arguably the biggest prize in sports. Considering that there may be around 115 million viewers, big companies may be tempted to buy 30 seconds of time to promote their products. However, they will have to dish out the big bucks; reportedly it be require USD $5 million for a 30-second commercial.

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  • IKEA Loses Court Battles over Brand Name in Indonesia

    Based on the decision of the Jakarta Commercial Court and the Indonesian Supreme Court (after an appeal), the world's largest furniture retailer IKEA fails to own the right to use its brand name in Indonesia as Surabaya-based furniture company Ratania Khatulistiwa claimed the trademark for its acronym for Intan Khatulistiwa Esa Abadi. Although Inter IKEA System had registered the trademark "IKEA" with the Indonesian directorate-general of intellectual property both in 2006 and in 2010, Ratania Khatulistiwa successfully claimed that the global furniture giant had not used the trademark for commercial purposes for three consecutive years.

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