• Instant Noodles Market Indonesia: Difficult to Compete with Indomie

    Despite the slowing economy and weaker purchasing power in recent years, sales of instant noodles in Indonesia continue to rise. Although unhealthy, instant noodles are a highly popular meal in Indonesia due to its cheap price, tasty flavors, and easy-to-prepare nature. Instant noodle brands such as Indomie (produced by the Indofood Group) and Mie Sedaap (produced by the Wings Group) have become household favorites across the archipelago. Both are among the top five brands that are purchased most often by Indonesian households.

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  • Negative Investment List of Indonesia to Be Revised

    The Indonesian government announced it plans to allow 100 percent foreign ownership of cold storage businesses, sugar factories, rubber manufacturing companies, and the e-commerce business by revising Presidential Regulation No. 39/2014 on the Negative Investment List. The Negative Investment List (in Indonesian: Daftar Negatif Investasi) lists the sectors that are either fully or partially closed to foreign investment. Meanwhile, the government is studying whether other sectors can also be opened (or opened up wider) to foreign investors.

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  • Indonesia Stock Market Update: China GDP & Oil in Focus

    The spotlight is - as usual - on China today as the world's second-largest economy released various macroeconomic data and markets' reaction toward these data will determine where stocks are heading for today. Wall Street will not influence Asian markets because this US financial and investment community was closed for Martin Luther King Jr Day on Monday. Meanwhile, the crude oil price remains low around USD $29 per barrel.

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  • 4G Technology Brings Opportunities for Indonesia's Telecoms Tower Companies

    Although advanced markets have already been enjoying 4G technology (short for fourth generation) for a couple of years, Indonesia is still in the middle of developing and expanding its 4G network across the archipelago. This context implies that Indonesia's telecommunication tower providers have ample opportunity for growth, supported by rising smartphone penetration. Within the next five years, the smartphone penetration rate of Indonesia is estimated to grow from 37 percent to 50 percent.

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