• Indonesia Investments' Newsletter of 17 January 2016 Released

    On 17 January 2016, Indonesia Investments released the latest edition of its newsletter. This free newsletter, which is sent to our subscribers once per week, contains the most important news stories from Indonesia that have been reported on our website over the last seven days. Most of the topics involve economic matters such as the trade balance, property sector, the benchmark interest rate, the ASEAN Economic community, but also the recent terrorist attacks in Jakarta, and more.

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  • Indonesia & ASEAN Economic Community (AEC) - Introduction

    Per 1 January 2016 the ASEAN Economic Community (AEC) came into effect. This community implies stronger cooperation and integration among the ten member countries in Southeast Asia. According to its blue print the AEC involves the launch of a single market and production base among its member nations, hence allowing the free flow of goods, services, investment, and skilled labor as well as the freer flow of capital. Indonesia is one of the member countries.

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  • Terorisme di Indonesia: Dampak terhadap Pemegang Izin Starbucks Mitra Adi Perkasa

    Mitra Adi Perkasa, perusahaan ritel yang memegang lisensi untuk beroperasinya Starbucks di Indonesia, mengatakan bahwa kinerja perusahaannya tidak akan terlalu banyak terpengaruhi oleh serangan teroris di Jakarta. Cabang Starbucks milik perusahaan tersebut yang berlokasi di Jalan MH Thamrin No 9, Jakarta Pusat, menjadi target militan Muslim pada hari Kamis (14/01). Setelah serangan tersebut, Mitra Adi Perkasa menutup semua gerai Starbucks-nya di Jakarta pada hari itu. Pada Jumat (15/01) gerai dibuka kembali, kecuali gerai yang ada di Thamrin, yang rusak berat karena serangan teroris.

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  • Property Sector: Tax Incentive for Indonesia's First-Time Home Buyers

    Through the revision of an existing regulation the Indonesian government aims to support growth in the nation's property sector. The revision involves a tax incentive that allows Indonesia's first-time home buyers to obtain a subsidized lending rate (mortgage). Those first-time home buyers who have a maximum monthly income of IDR 7 million (approx. USD $504) are eligible to enjoy this incentive that falls under the Housing Loan Liquidity Facility (Fasilitas Likuiditas Pembiayaan Perumahan, abbreviated FLPP).

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