• Saham-Saham Asia Diperkirakan di Bawah Tekanan pada Hari Kamis

    Saham-saham di Asia diprediksi akan berada di bawah tekanan hari ini karena harga minyak mentah turun 2,9% semalam setelah American Petroleum Institute menerbitkan sebuah laporan yang menyatakan suplai minyak Amerika Serikat (AS) bertambah secara tak terduga sebesar 6,3 juta barel. Harga komoditi lain juga turun setelah penerbitan data output industri yang jatuh dari Republik Rakyat Tiongkok (RRT) pada hari Rabu. Kendati begitu, dengan penjualan ritel RRT yang positif di bulan Oktober (kenaikan terkuat pada tahun ini) sedikit kemungkinan akan terjadi stimulus besar baru dari pihak berwenang RRT.

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  • Cement Sales in Indonesia Accelerate on Kick Off Infrastructure Projects

    According to the latest data from the Indonesian Cement Association (ASI), Indonesia's cement sales climbed 10.7 percent year-on-year (y/y) to 6.4 million tons in October 2015 as government-related infrastructure development has picked up in the second half of the year (cement sales only contracted on the island of Kalimantan in October). Cement sales are an interesting indicator as they provide valuable information about the country's household consumption and investment in property and infrastructure sectors.

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  • Indonesia Carries on with Biodiesel Program despite Limited Success

    Although Indonesia's B15 biodiesel program, which refers to the government's program to blend 85 percent of diesel with a mandatory 15 percent of fatty acid methyl ester (derived from palm oil), is no success yet, the government is expected to introduce the B20 biodiesel program (raising the mandatory content of fatty methyl ester in biofuel to 20 percent) in early 2016. To support the B20 program, eleven companies are ready to supply biodiesel to state-owned energy company Pertamina and publicly-listed petroleum and basic chemicals distributor AKR Corporindo between November 2015 and April 2016.

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  • Stock Market & Rupiah Update Indonesia: China and Fed in Spotlight

    Indonesia's benchmark Jakarta Composite Index climbed 0.01 percent to 4,451.59 points on Wednesday (11/11) despite foreign investors recording a net sell of IDR 614.4 billion (approx. USD $45.5 million). Uncertainty persists in the global economy as more macroeconomic data from China signal weaknesses in the world's second-largest economy. Growth in output from China's factories declined to a six-month low in October (missing expectations), following earlier disappointing trade and inflation data. On the other hand, it triggers hope that Beijing will step up stimulus measures.

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