• Newsletter Indonesia Investments Edisi 8 November 2015 Diterbitkan

    Pada 8 November 2015, Indonesia Investments menerbitkan edisi terbaru dari newsletter-nya. Newsletter gratis ini, yang dikirimkan kepada para pelanggan kami sekali seminggu, berisi berita-berita paling penting di Indonesia yang telah dilaporkan di website kami dalam tujuh hari terakhir. Kebanyakan topik berkaitan dengan isu-isu ekonomi seperti analisis pertumbuhan produk domestik bruto (PDB) pada kuartal 3 tahun 2015, update inflasi, sekilas pandang perbankan syariah dan industri jasa taksi, update rupiah & pasar saham, dan banyak lagi.

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  • Promising Online Mobile Games Industry in Indonesia as 4G Network Expands

    As Indonesia is expanding its high-speed 4G mobile broadband network across the archipelago - meaning that more and more Indonesians will be connected to the Internet - the online mobile games industry has ample room for growth in Southeast Asia's largest economy. According to Netherlands-based Newzoo, a global market research and predictive analytics firm (with a main focus on games), revenue in the mobile games industry of Indonesia is expected to grow over 45 percent annually during the next couple of years.

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  • Cadangan Devisa Indonesia Terus Menurun di Bulan Oktober

    Bank sentral Indonesia mengumumkan pada hari Jumat (06/11) bahwa cadangan devisa Indonesia telah jatuh sebesar 1 miliar dollar Amerika Serikat (AS) menjadi 100,7 miliar dollar AS pada akhir Oktober 2015. Penurunan ini disebabkan oleh pembayaran hutang luar negeri dan usaha-usaha untuk menstabilkan rupiah yang rapuh (mata uang Indonesia sensitif pada prediksi pasar mengenai ancaman kenaikan suku bunga AS).

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  • Indonesia's State Budget Deficit Approaching Legally Mandated Cap

    A Finance Ministry official said Indonesia's state budget deficit is likely to exceed the projected IDR 300 trillion (approx. USD $22 billion) in 2015, pushing the deficit to 2.7 percent of Indonesia's gross domestic product (GDP), dangerously close to the maximum 3 percent of GDP cap that is set by a 2003 law. In the original 2015 State Budget the government targeted a budget deficit of 1.9 percent of GDP. This target was then revised to 2.2 percent in September. However, another revision is needed due to poor tax revenue collection.

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