• Bank Indonesia Mempertahankan BI Rate pada 7,50% dalam Pertemuan Kebijakan di Bulan Oktober

    Seperti yang telah diprediksi, bank sentral Indonesia (Bank Indonesia) mempertahankan suku bunga acuannya (BI rate) pada 7,50% dalam Pertemuan Dewan Gubernur Bulan Oktober yang dilaksanakan pada hari Kamis (15/10). Sementara itu, Bank Indonesia mempertahankan suku bunga Fasilitas Simpanan Bank Indonesia (Fasbi rate) dan suku bunga lending facility masing-masing pada 5,50% dan 8,00%. Suku bunga tidak diubah karena proyeksi perekonomian global masih sangat tidak jelas. Hal ini membahayakan stabilitas rupiah Indonesia.

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  • Indonesia’s Reference Thermal Coal Price Hits All-time Low in September

    Indonesia’s October benchmark thermal coal reference price (Harga Batubara Acuan, or HBA) was set at USD $57.39 per metric ton (FOB) by the Indonesian Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources, down 1.4 percent (m/m) from the preceding month and down 14.7 percent (y/y) from the same month last year. The October coal price is now at an all-time record low since the start of the government’s reference price in January 2009.

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  • Strong Performance Rupiah, Bank Indonesia to Hold Policy Meeting

    After Islamic New Year celebrations, Indonesia’s financial markets reopened on Thursday (15/10). The sharp appreciation of the Indonesian rupiah on Thursday morning is remarkable. By 10:10 am local Jakarta time, the rupiah had appreciated 2.36 percent to IDR 13,295 per US dollar (Bloomberg Dollar Index) hence extending last week’s gains when Indonesia’s currency strengthened around 9 percent against the greenback. Emerging markets assets are still gaining on signs that the Federal Reserve will not raise US interest rates in the short-term.

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  • Indonesia to Announce Fourth Economic Policy Package on Thursday

    The government of Indonesia will announce a fourth stimulus package on Thursday (15/10). This new edition will focus on safeguarding employment in Indonesia. Due to the country's economic slowdown, concern about unemployment has risen. The Confederation of Indonesian Workers Unions (KSPSI) recently said that over 62,000 Indonesian workers lost their jobs during the first nine months of 2015.

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