• Stock Market & Rupiah Update Indonesia: China Data, Oil Price & Capital Surcharge

    In a draft regulation, Indonesia's Financial Services Authority (OJK), the government agency that regulates and supervises the financial services sector, proposes that the country's leading banks have set aside more capital - between 1 and 3.5 percent of their risk-weighted assets (a "capital surcharge") by December 2015 - as a buffer against financial market volatility risks. The new policy aims to strengthen Indonesia's financial system amid the country's economic slowdown and severe external pressures (looming higher US interest rates and China's slowdown).

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  • Indonesian Stocks & Rupiah Down after Release China's September Trade Data

    On Tuesday (13/10), Chinese authorities announced that the country's trade balance widened to 376.2 billion yuan in September 2015, beating forecasts. China's exports contracted less than expected at -1.1 percent. However, China's imports (-17.7 percent) plunged more than expected and now recorded the eleventh month of straight declines. Although the balance is better than had been forecast, China's latest import and export data show again that the world's second-largest economy is plagued by a persistent slowdown.

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  • Rubber Production Indonesia Expected to Fall in 2016 on Haze & El Nino

    Indonesia, the world's second-largest natural rubber producer, is expected to see slowing rubber output in 2016 on the back of the El Nino weather phenomenon as well as haze caused by forest fires on Sumatra and Kalimantan. Although the production decline may support rubber prices in the middle-long term, Indonesian rubber farmers are currently still plagued by rubber prices that have fallen to six-year lows due to reduced rubber demand from China, the world's largest rubber importer.

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  • Indonesian Rupiah Slightly Weaker on Fed Vice Chairman Fischer's Remarks

    The Indonesian rupiah is slightly weakening on Monday (12/10) as market participants are responding to Federal Reserve Vice Chairman Stanley Fischer's remarks in Lima (Peru) where he attended the latest IMF meeting as well as a banking seminar. Fischer said that there could still be a Fed Fund Rate hike before the end of the year, provided that US economic data (and global circumstances) allow such a move. Based on the Bloomberg Dollar Index, the rupiah had depreciated 0.02 percent to IDR 13,414 per US dollar by 12:15 pm local Jakarta time.

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