• Hasil Produksi Kopi Indonesia Terpengaruh El Nino, Para Pedagang Berpindah ke Robusta Vietnam

    Kebanyakan pedagang memprediksi bahwa produksi kopi Indonesia akan mendapat dampak negatif dari fenomena cuaca El Nino. Karena kekuatiran tentang hasil produksi robusta Indonesia musim 2016/2017, para pemanggang kopi dari Eropa dilaporkan bersiap-siap untuk meningkatkan impor dari Vietnam (penghasil biji robusta terbesar dunia), atau biji arabika berkualitas rendah dari Brazil (penghasil biji arabika terbesar di dunia).

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  • Indonesia’s 10-Year Bond Yield Climbs to a 5-Year High

    Based on data from the Inter Dealer Market Association, Indonesia’s ten-year sovereign bond yield climbed 31 basis points since 4 September 2015 to 9.24 percent, its highest level since 2010, on Friday morning (11/09) amid concern about the ailing rupiah. The rupiah has been under pressure as emerging market currencies have become unattractive ahead of a looming US interest rate hike and China’s recent decision to devalue its yuan (triggering concern about a currency war among Asia’s emerging currencies).

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  • Government of Indonesia plans to Allow Earlier Talks for Extension of Mining Contracts

    In an effort to improve legal certainty and the business climate in Indonesia’s mining industry, the government announced it will revise a regulation that currently limits the time to start negotiating about an extension of a mining permit to two years before the concession contract’s expiration date. Sudirman Said, Indonesian Energy and Mineral Resources Minister, said the government plans to allow extension talks to start up to ten years before contracts end.

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