• Coal Update Indonesia: Price, Environment, Health & Batang Plant

    Indonesia’s reference thermal coal price hit another all-time low. The Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources set the September coal price (in Indonesian: Harga Batubara Acuan, or HBA) at USD $58.21 per metric ton (FOB), down 1.6 percent from the August reference rate, and the fifth consecutive month of decline. Indonesia is the world’s largest thermal coal exporter.

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  • Stocks & Rupiah Update Indonesia: Asian Markets Down, No Impact Policy Package

    Indonesian stocks and the rupiah started weak on Thursday morning (10/09), the day after the Indonesian government unveiled its first economic policy package. In line with the trend in the whole region this morning, most (emerging market) assets in Asia are declining on weak Chinese and Japanese economic data. These weak data cause heightened concern about sluggish global economic growth.

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  • President Joko Widodo Unveils Indonesia’s 1st Economic Policy Package

    On Wednesday afternoon, Indonesian President Joko Widodo unveiled some details of the new economic policy package, involving major deregulation measures, that had been announced last week by Chief Economics Minister Darmin Nasution. This package aims - on the medium to long term - to boost Indonesia’s sluggish economy.

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  • UNICEF: Indonesia’s Child Mortality Rate Has Fallen Substantially since 1990

    The United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF) stated in a recently published report that Indonesia has made significant progress in reducing the country’s child mortality rate. According to the report, entitled “Committing to Child Survival: A Promise Renewed (Progress Report 2015)", Indonesia’s mortality rate for children below the age of five years currently stands at 27 deaths per 1,000 births, a significant improvement from the 85 deaths per 1,000 births that was recorded in 1990.

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