• New Cities Summit 2015 Jakarta: the Importance of Urban Planning

    The New Cities Summit 2015 will be held between 9 and 11 June at Ciputra Artpreneur in South Jakarta. The summit, themed “Seizing the Urban Moment: Cities at the Heart of Growth and Development,” will gather around 800 urban planners, urban leaders, artists, businessmen and innovators from around the world in Indonesia’s capital city. This year’s summit is the fourth edition. Previous editions were held in Paris, Sao Paulo and Dallas. The main theme of these summits is to discuss the future of cities.

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  • OECD: Tingkatkan Kualitas Pekerjaan & Kurangi Ketidaksetaraan Gender

    Di laporan terakhir dari Organization for Economic Co-operation and Developmen (OECD) ditekankan bahwa kesetaraan gender dalam pekerjaan harus dipromosikan oleh pemerintah dalam rangka melawan ketidaksetaraan pendapatan dan karenanya mencapai masyarakat yang harmonis serta mendongkrak pertumbuhan ekonomi inklusif. Di kebanyakan negara ketidaksetaraan gender tetap merupakan masalah yang menimbulkan keprihatinan. Laporan ini juga menyatakan bahwa pemerintah seharusnya tidak mengacuhkan pentingnya meluaskan akses pekerjaan dan mendorong investasi di pendidikan.

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  • Indonesia Rice Update: Joko Widodo Forced to Allow Rice Imports?

    In order to avert a spike in inflation and social unrest, Indonesian President Joko Widodo may feel forced to allow around 1.5 million metric tons of rice imports in 2015 as domestic prices of rice have been rising on sluggish local harvests. Moreover, an intensifying El Nino is expected to cause dry weather in the months ahead hence further jeopardizing rice productivity. These already tough conditions will be exacerbated by seasonal Islamic celebrations (Ramadan and Idul Fitri) that always trigger increased consumption of food products.

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  • Nielsen: despite Economic Slowdown Consumer Confidence Indonesia Strong

    Despite Indonesia currently experiencing slowing economic growth, Indonesian consumers remain optimistic. According to Nielsen’s latest Consumer Confidence Index, published on Wednesday (20/05), Indonesia was the second most optimistic country (after India) in terms of consumer confidence in the first quarter of 2015. Indonesia collected 123 points through the online survey that not only measures consumer confidence but also the major concerns and spending intentions of consumers.

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