• Bagaimana dengan Ekonomi Indonesia di 2015?

    Setelah kecewa melihat pertumbuhan produk domestik bruto (PDB) yang hanya 4,71% pada basis year-on-year (y/y) di kuartal 1 tahun 2015, para investor merasa kuatir dengan pertumbuhan perekonomian Indonesia pada sisa tahun ini. Pertumbuhan PDB yang lemah disebabkan oleh lemahnya performa ekspor (akibat lambatnya perekonomian global dan rendahnya harga-harga komoditi), tingkat suku bunga Indonesia yang tinggi (mengurangi daya beli masyarakat dan expansi bisnis oleh perusahaan lokal), dan lambatnya belanja pemerintah.

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  • Why Did Indonesian Stocks and Rupiah Weaken Today?

    The Indonesian rupiah depreciated sharply, while the country’s stocks fell. According to the Bloomberg Dollar Index, Indonesia’s currency depreciated 0.86 percent to IDR 13,148 per US dollar on Thursday (07/05). This performance was in line with the performance of other Asian currencies. Of the 11 Asian currencies that are followed by Bloomberg, only Japan’s yen appreciated against the US dollar. The Indian rupee was the worst performer today, weakening 1.06 percent against the greenback.

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  • Ghana & Indonesia’s Poor Cocoa Production Leads to Global Shortage

    Chances of chocolate-based candy or food products becoming more expensive in the near future have grown due to the weak harvest in Ghana, the world’s second-largest cocoa producer. Most likely, the country will fail to fulfill sales contracts hence leading to higher global cocoa prices. In New York and London cocoa futures jumped roughly seven percent in recent weeks. Meanwhile, Indonesian cocoa exports declined 56 percent (y/y) in April 2015. The main cocoa producing regions have been struggling with bad weather and diseases.

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  • Indonesia’s New Palm Oil Export Levy to be Implemented in May 2015

    Indonesia’s new palm oil export levy is to be implemented in late May 2015. Rida Mulyana, Director General of Renewable Energy at Indonesia’s Ministry of Energy & Mineral Resources, stated that President Joko Widodo signed the regulation last night (05/05). The new levy means that a USD $50 (per metric ton) levy is to be imposed on crude palm oil (CPO) exports, and a USD $30 (per metric ton) levy on processed palm oil product exports. Proceeds from these export levies will be used to fund the government’s biodiesel (subsidy) program.

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