• Car Sales Indonesia 2015: Declining amid Slowing Economic Growth

    The Indonesian Automotive Manufacturers Association (Gaikindo) lowered its car sales target for 2015 to 1.1 million vehicles, down from its original sales target of 1.2 million vehicles, due to persistent slowing economic growth in Indonesia (curbing consumer demand). On Tuesday (05/05), Statistics Indonesia announced that the country’s economic growth slowed to 4.71 percent (y/y) in the first quarter of 2015, a five-year low. Other important factors that negatively influence car sales are inflation, the interest rate, the rupiah, and fuel prices.

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  • Update PDB Indonesia: Pertumbuhan Ekonomi 4.71% y/y di Q1-2015

    Pertumbuhan ekonomi Indonesia di Q1-2015 dicatat 4,71% pada basis year-on-year (y/y). Meskipun telah diprediksi bahwa angka pertumbuhan produk domestik bruto (PDB) Indonesia akan jatuh di bawah batas 5%, perlambatan ini lebih buruk dari dugaan awal. Suryamin, Kepala Badan Pusat Statistik (BPS), menyatakan pada awal hari ini (05/05) bahwa pertumbuhan ekonomi Indonesia melambat mencapai level terendah selama lima tahun akibat lemahnya ekspor (hasil dari berkurangnya pertumbuhan ekonomi di pasar ekspor) dan rendahnya harga minyak mentah dunia.

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  • Relisting Mitra Energi Persada on the Indonesia Stock Exchange

    After having delisted its shares from the Indonesia Stock Exchange (IDX) in 2007, Mitra Energi Persada relisted 212 billion shares (approximately 11.6 percent of the company’s equity) on the IDX on Monday (04/05). The relisting was a success. Shares of the company, traded under the ticker KOPI, rose almost 50 percent to IDR 590. Mitra Energi Persada was originally established as an e-commerce company but later shifted its business to the energy sector. The company is a trader of natural gas, coal and oil.

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  • Manufacturing Activity Indonesia Continues to Contract in April

    Although the pace is slowing, Indonesia’s manufacturing sector continued to contract in April 2015, the seventh consecutive month of declining manufacturing activity in Southeast Asia’s largest economy. Indonesia’s latest HSBC purchasing manager’s index (PMI) was 46.7, up slightly from 46.4 in March (which constituted a historic low for Indonesia). A score below 50.0 signals contraction in manufacturing activity. Primary factors that caused this contraction are continued declining export orders and continued weak domestic demand.

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