• Hubungan Internasional Indonesia: Hukuman Mati untuk Kejahatan Narkotika

    Pada minggu ini polisi menangkap seorang warganegara asing di Jakarta berkaitan dengan ditemukannya 2,2 kilogram kristal methamphetamine (meth) di sebuah rumah kos di Srengseng (Jakarta Barat). Juru Bicara Polda Metro Jaya Budi Widjanarko mengatakan bahwa tindakan polisi dilakukan berdasarkan data intelijen mengenai sindikat yang menyelundupkan kristal meth ke Indonesia dari Nigeria. Dilaporkan bahwa sindikat ini dipimpin oleh seorang narapidana yang sedang menjalani masa penjara di Jakarta. Belakangan ini beberapa kasus terkait kejahatan narkotika menjadi isu di Indonesia dan disoroti dunia.

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  • Higher Minimum Capital Requirement for Indonesian Logistics Companies

    Through Ministerial Regulation No. 74/2015 on Freight Forwarding and Logistics Companies, the Indonesian government will raise the minimum capital requirement for logistics companies and freight forwarders from IDR 200 million (USD $15,384) to IDR 25 billion (USD $1.9 million). The new regulation was recently signed by Indonesian Transportation Minister Ignasius Jonan and is currently at the Law and Human Rights Ministry for further evaluation. However, the new regulation met resistance.

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  • Banking Industry Indonesia: Bank Mandiri Can Open Branches in Malaysia

    State-controlled Bank Mandiri, the leading bank in Indonesia in terms of asset size, will be allowed to open 20 branches in Malaysia after financial authorities in Indonesia and Malaysia signed an agreement. Although Muliaman D Hadad, Chief Commissioner at Indonesia’s Financial Services Authority (OJK), said that the government of Malaysia still needs to ratify the agreement, it is expected that Bank Mandiri will be able to open its Malaysian branches before the end of the year.

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  • Illegal Fishery, Abuse & Slavery on Indonesia’s Benjina Island?

    The recently exposed case that involves illegal fishery, abuse and even alleged slavery on and near the remote island of Benjina (East Indonesia) has taken another turn after a key witness in the case was found dead in a hotel in Central Jakarta over the weekend. Yoseph Sairlela, adviser at Indonesia’s Maritime Affairs and Fisheries Ministry, was beaten to death according to local media. Indonesia's National Police stated that it suspects the murder is related to the ‘Benjina-case’. The ministry requested police protection for other key witnesses.

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