• Indonesian Stocks & Rupiah Down on Global Economy and MPR Voting

    Both the Indonesian rupiah exchange rate and Indonesian stocks weakened sharply on Wednesday (08/10) due to internal and external factors. Externally, weakening stock indices on Wall Street on Tuesday (07/10) have a severe negative impact on the performance of Asian stocks today. Wall Street was down on the IMF’s downward revised outlook for global GDP growth in 2014 and 2015, as well as on Germany’s industrial production, which fell the most in five years in August 2014.

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  • Indonesia Political Update: Prabowo Controls Majority in MPR

    After a long plenary session of the People’s Consultative Assembly (or MPR), Zulkifli Hasan has been elected as the Speaker of the MPR for the period 2014-2019. Zulkifli Hasan, a former Indonesian Forestry Minister, is backed by the Merah-Putih coalition and thus his election constitutes another blow for president-elect Joko Widodo (popularly known as Jokowi). The Merah-Putih coalition is a coalition of six political parties that support vindictive defeated presidential candidate Prabowo Subianto.

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  • Car Sales Update Indonesia: Car Production Capacity Expanding

    Although domestic car sales in Indonesia have again exceeded the psychological level of 100,000 vehicles per month, sales have fallen 12 percent year-on-year (y/y) to 101,801 units in September 2014. In September last year, car sales were heavily supported by the newly-introduced low cost green car (LCGC). Domestic car sales constitute an important indicator to measure consumer confidence and domestic consumption. Domestic consumption accounts for 55 percent of total economic growth in Indonesia.

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  • Bank Indonesia: Foreign Exchange Reserves Unchanged in September

    The official foreign exchange reserve assets of Indonesia’s central bank (Bank Indonesia) at end September 2014 were unchanged (from the preceding month) at USD $111.2 billion. Based on a Bank Indonesia statement, the reserves were under pressure due to an increase in foreign exchange demand (for government foreign debt payments and foreign exchange intervention in order to stabilize the Indonesian rupiah exchange rate), but supported by a global Islamic bonds issuance, oil & gas export revenue and growth of bank forex deposits.

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