• Revising Regulations to Enhance Indonesia’s Foreign Exchange Trading

    Nanang Hendarsah, Deputy of Bank Indonesia’s financial task force, said that the central bank of Indonesia will issue two new regulations this week in an attempt to boost foreign exchange (FX) transactions in Indonesia by simplifying the bank’s previous regulations issued in 2005 and 2008 (PBI No. 10/28 on FX purchase at banks and PBI No. 10/37 on netting restrictions). Recent data from Bank Indonesia show that the amount of FX transactions in Indonesia has been lower compared to those recorded by its regional peers.

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  • Indonesia Investments' Newsletter of 31 August 2014 Released

    On 31 August 2014, Indonesia Investments released the latest edition of its newsletter. This free newsletter, which is sent to our subscribers once per week, contains the most important news stories from Indonesia that have been reported on our website in the last seven days. Most of the topics involve economic topics such Indonesia’s fuel subsidies, an August inflation forecast, the conflict between the government and Nusa Tenggara Newmont, a new geothermal energy bill, infrastructure development, and more.

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  • Jakarta is the World’s Largest Twitter Base: Twitter to Open an Office

    Twitter, the online social networking and microblogging service, plans to open an office in Jakarta within the next six months as the number of Indonesian Twitter users has grown rapidly in recent years. In 2013, Indonesia had 29 million Twitter users, making it the world’s fifth-largest Twitter community after the USA, Brazil, Japan and the UK. The American social media giant already owns five offices in the Asia-Pacific region. Similar to other companies, Twitter waited until after the elections before expanding to Indonesia.

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  • EU and Indonesian Trade Ministry Launch Online Portal to Support Export

    The European Union (EU) and Indonesia’s Trade Ministry have cooperated to develop an online portal (www.inatrims.kemendag.go.id/en) in an effort to assist Indonesian businesses that want to export their products to the European Union. This portal website is intended to guide exporting companies by providing various information on relevant market requirements and regulations. The portal - called Indonesia Technical Regulations Information Management System (INATRIMS) - was launched on Thursday (28/08).

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