• Indonesia Investments' Newsletter of 6 July 2014 Released

    On 06 July 2014, Indonesia Investments released the latest edition of its newsletter. This free newsletter, which is sent to our subscribers once per week, contains the most important news stories from Indonesia that have been reported on our website in the last seven days. Most of the topics involve political and economic topics such as the presidential election, a rupiah and stock market update, an analysis of inflation and the trade balance, corruption, poverty, GDP growth, prospects of the copper price, and more.

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  • Kalbe Farma: a Profile of Indonesia's Largest Pharmaceutical Company

    Indonesia Investments has updated the company profile of PT Kalbe Farma Tbk. Kalbe Farma is the largest listed pharmaceutical company in Indonesia and Southeast Asia (listed on the Indonesia Stock Exchange/IDX). The company’s main business focus rests on four divisions: prescription pharmaceuticals, consumer health products, nutritionals as well as distribution & logistics. Its a leading provider of “comprehensive healthcare solutions”, from pharmaceuticals, nutrition, health foods and beverages to medical devices, including primary healthcare service.

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  • Chatib Basri: Indonesian Economy May Grow 5.3% in Second Quarter of 2014

    Finance Minister of Indonesia, Chatib Basri, expects the Indonesian economy to grow 5.3 percent (year-on-year, yoy) in the second quarter of 2014 because of improved household consumption supported by the legislative and presidential elections in 2014. Meanwhile, Indonesian exports are also expected to have improved slightly from its performance in the first quarter of the year due to improved economic conditions in Europe. However, demand from China and Japan remained sluggish. In Q1-2014, GDP growth slowed to 5.21 percent (yoy).

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  • Bumi Resources Debt Settlement: CIC Takes 19% Stake in Kaltim Prima Coal

    China Investment Corporation (CIC), a sovereign wealth fund, now officially holds a 19 percent stake (worth USD $950 million) in Kaltim Prima Coal, subsidiary of Indonesia's largest coal miner (yet debt-ridden) Bumi Resources. This share transfer is part of Bumi Resources’ debt settlement program with CIC. After the share transfer, Bumi Resources still owes CIC about USD $1.03 billion. Another chunk of this debt will be settled through transferring 42 percent of the shares of another subsidiary, Bumi Resources Minerals, (worth USD $257 million) to CIC.

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