• Company Profile of Indosat: A Leading Indonesian Telecommunication Firm

    Indonesia Investments updated the company profile of Indosat in our Indonesian Companies section. Indosat, the third-largest telecommunication operator in Indonesia with approximately 59.7 million cellular subscribers, made headlines in Indonesian newspapers after presidential candidate Joko ‘Jokowi’ Widodo said in a debate on Sunday (22/06) that he would like to see the Indonesian government buy back shares of the company (which had been sold to Qatar Telecom about a decade ago amid financial turmoil).

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  • Bank Indonesia and World Bank: How to Escape the Middle Income Trap?

    The Governor of Indonesia’s central bank (Bank Indonesia), Agus Martowardojo, said that the Indonesian economy can grow more than six percent provided that several important structural reforms will be implemented in order to avoid the middle income trap. This trap occurs when rapidly growing economies stagnate at middle-income levels for many years, thereby failing to reach a high income level (as has been the case with Brazil, Mexico, South Africa and other middle income countries from the early 1980s to the mid-2000s).

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  • IPO of Coal Miner Mitrabara Adiperdana on the Indonesia Stock Exchange

    Mitrabara Adiperdana, an Indonesia-based coal miner, is planning to conduct an initial public offering (IPO) on the Indonesia Stock Exchange in July 2014. The company will offer 273.03 million shares, or 22 percent of its enlarged share base, to the public at a price range of IDR 1,150 to IDR 1,350 per share. Through this corporate action, the miner targets to raise IDR 368.6 billion (USD $31 million). Reportedly, after the IPO, Japan’s Idemitsu Kosan Co Ltd has an option to purchase a 27.68 percent stake in the Indonesian coal miner.

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  • Bakrie Group's Bumi Resources: Shares Plunge on Bond Default Concern

    Shares of Bumi Resources, Indonesia’s largest coal miner by production volume, had plunged more than 13 percent by 16:00pm local Jakarta time on increased concern that a default is looming after the company failed to gain approval from bondholders to change the terms of its USD $375 million bonds due on 5 August. The Bakrie Group-controlled miner intended to extend the maturity of its bonds while lowering the coupon and conversion price. However, this plan was not approved in a bondholders’ meeting held in Singapore on 20 June 2014.

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