• Indonesian Consumer Goods and Retail Companies Post Good Financial Reports

    Indonesian listed retail and consumer goods companies continued to record good corporate earnings in the first quarter of 2014. Amid robust economic growth - although having slowed to 5.21 percent in Q1-2014 - Indonesians' purchasing power is growing and the middle class is expanding rapidly. Not too long ago, the World Bank said that per year seven million people are added to Indonesia's middle class. With more money to spend, these people consume more and more consumer goods such as food, clothes and electronics.

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  • Indonesian Furniture Manufacturer Chitose Internasional Prepares an IPO

    Chitose Internasional, an Indonesian furniture manufacturer intends to release 30 percent of its enlarged capital through an initial public offering (IPO) on the Indonesia Stock Exchange in June 2014. Currently, the company is trying to obtain approval from the Financial Services Authority (OJK) in order to conduct the IPO. President Director of Chitose Internasional Dedie Suherlan said that the proceeds will be used for the construction of a new factory, which will produce wood-based furniture products. This factory should become operational in 2015.

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  • Government of Indonesia Needs to Revise GDP Growth Target for 2014

    The Indonesian government announced to revise its GDP growth target for 2014 after seeing the disappointing economic growth result in the first quarter of 2014. Last week, Statistics Indonesia (BPS) had announced that GDP growth in Q1-2014 only amounted to 5.21 percent, far below official growth targets as well as analysts' forecasts. Indonesia's slowing growth was caused by slowing exports, brought on by the slow global recovery, China's slowing economy and the temporary impact of the ban on exports of unprocessed minerals.

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  • Export of Indonesian Crude Palm Oil Rises due to Increased Demand

    Demand for Indonesian crude palm oil (CPO) - both global and domestic demand - surged, giving rise to impressive corporate earnings reports of Indonesian palm oil producers in the first quarter of 2014. Combined, net profit of plantation companies that are listed on the Indonesia Stock Exchange, rose 116 percent. Indonesia's plantation sector is dominated by production of crude palm oil products and derivatives. Because of increased global demand, the value of Indonesian CPO exports is expected to rise to USD $22-24 billion.

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