• Company Profile of Vale Indonesia: Indonesia's Largest Nickel Producer

    Indonesia Investments updated the company profile of PT Vale Indonesia Tbk. Vale Indonesia, a subsidiary of the world's second-largest mining company headquartered in Brazil, is Indonesia's largest nickel producer. The company explores, mines, processes and produces nickel in matte, an intermediate product, from lateritic ores at its mining and processing facilities near Sorowako on the island of Sulawesi. At end 2013, Vale Indonesia had proven mineral reserves amounting to 94.2 million metric tons (Mt) and probable mineral reserves of 33.3 million Mt.

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  • Bank Indonesia Maintains Interest Rates as Inflation & Trade Data Improve

    At the Board of Governors Meeting (08/05), Bank Indonesia decided to keep its benchmark interest rate (BI Rate) at 7.50 percent, the Lending Facility at 7.50 percent and the Deposit Facility at 5.75 percent. Bank Indonesia considers this monetary policy consistent with efforts to direct inflation back to its target level of 4.5 ± 1 percent in 2014 and 4.0 ± 1 percent in 2015, as well as to further ease the country's current account deficit to a more sustainable level. On Friday, Bank Indonesia is expected to release current account data covering Q1-2014.

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  • Indonesian Rupiah Exchange Rate Update: Export Concerns & BI Rate

    The Indonesian rupiah exchange rate continued its recent depreciating trend on Thursday (08/05). According to the Bloomberg Dollar Index, the currency had depreciated 0.36 percent to IDR 11,619 per US dollar at 13:30 local Jakarta time. Apart from market participants' wait and see attitude ahead of results of Bank Indonesia's Board of Governors Meeting, which is held today and will inform whether the current benchmark interest rate of 7.50 percent will be maintained, increased concerns about exports to China also put pressure on the rupiah.

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  • Indonesian Foreign Exchange Reserves Rise to USD $105.6 in April 2014

    The foreign exchange reserves at the central bank of Indonesia (Bank Indonesia) increased about USD $3 billion to USD $105.6 billion at the end of April 2014, the highest level in 15 months, particularly due to export earnings of government-owned oil and gas exporters. Bank Indonesia said that the current position of forex reserves is equivalent to 6.1 months of imports or 5.9 months of imports and servicing external debt (well above the international standard of three months of imports). Today, the central bank's Board of Governors Meeting is held.

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