• Indonesia Needs less Energy Subsidies, more Green Infrastructure Investment

    Indonesian vice president Boediono stated at the opening of the two-day Green Infrastructure Summit in Jakarta (29/04) that Indonesia's heavily subsidized energy prices might be the key reason why the country has failed to make its development policy more environment friendly. According to Boediono, a national consensus - involving the central and regional governments, businesses, lawmakers and other stakeholders - is needed to systematically curb Indonesia's large energy subsidies.

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  • Golkar-Gerindra Coalition's President: Aburizal Bakrie or Prabowo Subianto?

    Two influential Indonesian political parties, Golkar and Gerindra, may form a coalition in order to nominate a presidential and vice-presidential candidate for Indonesia's presidential election that is scheduled for 9 July 2014. After the PDI-P, which won the legislative election on 9 April 2014 with approximately 19 percent of the vote, Golkar (15 percent) and Gerindra (12 percent) came in second and third. However, both these parties contain a leader who has presidential aspirations.

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  • Which Factors Can Influence the Performance of the Indonesian Rupiah?

    On Wednesday morning (30/04), the Indonesian rupiah exchange rate had appreciated 0.11 percent to IDR 11,536 per US dollar based on the Bloomberg Dollar Index at 9:15 local Jakarta time. On Tuesday (29/04), Bank Indonesia's benchmark rupiah rate (Jakarta Interbank Spot Dollar Rate, abbreviated JISDOR) depreciated 0.18 percent to IDR 11,589 against the US dollar. Today's JISDOR will be released by the central bank of Indonesia around noon local Jakarta time.

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  • IMF: Asia Continues to Be the Engine of Global Economic Growth

    The International Monetary Fund (IMF) assesses that the Asian region is still the world's most dynamic region in terms of economic growth. The IMF expects that Asia's economic growth will accelerate to 5.4 percent in 2014 despite the ongoing US Federal Reserve tapering of asset purchases. However, the IMF continued to stress the need for further structural reforms in Asia in an attempt to avert the negative impact of US tapering and future interest rate hikes. In 2013, the Asian region grew 5.2 percent.

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