• Commodity Update: Anticipating Higher Prices of Coffee, Palm Oil and Cacao

    So far, the year 2014 is marked by adjustments in forecasts for commodities demand and prices on the global market. The primary example is coffee. Due to severe drought in Brazil, weak coffee production is expected to result in a shortage of coffee on the international market. Uncertainty about the extent of the shortage has pushed coffee prices up by about 65 percent since the end of 2013. Meanwhile, Brazil's reduced arabica output cannot be replaced by Indonesia's robusta coffee due to high rainfall in the archipelago.

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  • Foreign Competitors Enter Indonesia's Promising Franchise Business

    In 2014, about 30 to 40 foreign franchise holders (mostly from Singapore and the USA) intend to enter Indonesia as the country's franchise business expands about 20 percent per year. Levina Supit, Chairman of the Indonesian Franchising and Licensing Association (Wali), said that Indonesia's franchise business is currently dominated by the food and drinks and services sector. The new foreign market participants will focus on these two sectors as prospects are promising due to Indonesia's rapidly expanding middle class.

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  • Bank Indonesia Optimistic on Posting Trade Surplus in February 2014

    Agus Martowardojo, Governor of the central bank of Indonesia (Bank Indonesia) expects a trade surplus of around USD $700 million in February 2014. If Martowardojo's forecast is realized, it would be a sharp contrast to the USD $430.6 million trade deficit that was recorded one month earlier. In January, the trade deficit was mainly due to declining exports of coal and vegetable oil (which together account for 26.7 percent of total non-oil & gas exports), among others, due to ongoing annual contractual negotiations at the year-start.

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  • Government of Indonesia Optimistic that GDP Growth Target Can Be Met

    Contrary to the World Bank and Bank Indonesia that both revised down forecasts for economic growth of Indonesia in 2014, the government of Indonesia is still convinced that it can meet the target of 5.8 to 6.0 percent as has been set in the 2014 State Budget (APBN 2014). In its most recent Indonesia Economic Quarterly report, the World Bank said it expects Indonesia’s economic growth to reach 5.3 percent in 2014, while Bank Indonesia targets a 5.7 percentage growth rate.

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