• Indonesia Investments' Newsletter of 9 March 2014 Released

    On 9 March 2014, Indonesia Investments released the latest edition of its newsletter. This free newsletter, which is sent to our subscribers once per week, contains the most important news stories from Indonesia that have been reported on our website in the last seven days. Most of the topics involve economic matters such as an analysis of February 2014 inflation and the January 2014 trade deficit, the rupiah exchange rate, HSBC manufacturing PMI, Indonesia's new economic policy package, and more.

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  • Indonesia's Foreign Exchange Reserves at USD $102.74 Billion in February 2014

    As had been confirmed by Agus Martowardojo, Governor of Bank Indonesia, earlier this week, Indonesia's foreign exchange reserves rose 2.1 percent to USD $102.74 billion at the end of February 2014, particularly due to strong capital inflows. According to Martowardojo, capital inflows in the first two months of 2014 exceed net capital inflows throughout 2013. Bank Indonesia regards the current foreign exchange reserves sufficient to underpin external sector resilience and maintain sustainable economic growth in Indonesia looking ahead.

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  • Schroders Indonesia: Indonesian Investors More Confident in 2014

    According to a recent survey of Schroder Investment Management Indonesia, subsidiary of the British multinational asset management firm and a leading independent international asset management and private banking group, Indonesian investors feel more confident to invest in Indonesia in 2014. Director of Schroder Indonesia Michael Tjoajadi stated that confidence of Indonesian investors has increased due to improving economic conditions and the long-term prospects of Southeast Asia's largest economy.

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  • Only Telkom Posts Good Results in Indonesia's Telecommunication Sector

    In recent years, the telecommunication sector of Indonesia has been a tough arena for mobile phone operators. In terms of voice services, the once highly prospective industry has become more and more saturated over the years. Amid fierce competition tariffs for mobile phone services have been brought down significantly, while a new group of subscribers (from the poorer segments of society) have limited spending capacity. However, with the introduction of the increasingly popular smartphone, there is still room for growth.

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