• Expatriates in Indonesia: Number of Foreign Workers is Declining

    The number of expatriates working in Indonesia has declined in the last three years. Based on data from the Ministry of Manpower & Transmigration there were 68,957 expatriates working in Indonesia in 2013, a 4.8 percent decline from 2012. The main reason for this falling number is tighter government policy. Minister Muhaimin Iskandar stated that curtailing the influx of expats is one way of developing the country's human resources. Only when a foreigner has such exceptional qualities - not easily found in Indonesia - should he/she work in Indonesia.

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  • Central Bank of Indonesia Maintains Benchmark Interest Rate at 7.50%

    The central bank of Indonesia (Bank Indonesia/BI) left its benchmark interest rate (BI rate) unchanged at 7.50 percent in the Board of Governor's Meeting on Thursday (13/02/14). This decision was in line with market expectations as several economic indicators have improved. In recent days, the rupiah exchange rate has shown a marked improvement to IDR 12,055 per US dollar (Bloomberg Dollar Index) as pressures on Indonesia's current account balance are easing and Bank Indonesia's foreign exchange reserves are rising.

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  • Minister Agung Laksono: Population of Indonesia is Growing Too Fast

    Minister of People’s Welfare Agung Laksono said that Indonesia's current population growth pace is alarming and immediate action is needed to reduce the country's growth and birth rates. Laksono made this statement after opening the National Congress on the Population Program, Family Planning and Family Development in 2014 on Wednesday (12/02). According to the Minister, family planning programs have not had much success over the past decade. If not acted upon, the population number can exceed government projections.

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  • Company Profile of Malindo Feedmill: Indonesian Poultry Feed Producer

    In our company profiles section, Indonesia Investments has updated the company profile of PT Malindo Feedmill Tbk (listed company code MAIN). This Indonesian company produces as well as distributes animal (poultry) feed, particularly broiler breeder feed, broiler layer feed, layer breeder feed and commercial Day Old Chicks (DOC). At end 2012, Malindo Feedmill's total annual production capacity of DOC was 184.4 million, while the feed production capacity was approximately 900,000 tonnes per year.

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