• World Bank: Lessons Learned from Indonesia's Jamkesmas Program

    The World Bank's latest report discusses healthcare. Indonesia is one of many countries that aims to achieve universal health coverage for its population. However, several challenges need to be faced and overcome in order to reach this goal, which the country hopes to achieve by 2019. Although health insurance coverage has increased significantly in Indonesia over the last decade, almost 60 percent of Indonesia's population still remains without any coverage, and out-of-pocket spending remains high even among those with coverage.

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  • Manufacturing in Indonesia Expands Slightly in January on New Orders

    Although China's HSBC Purchasing Managers’ Index (PMI) in January 2014 fell below the 50.0 mark thus indicating contracting manufacturing, other Asian countries, including Indonesia, posted expanding manufacturing. Indonesia's HSBC Manufacturing PMI read 51.0 in the first month of the year, its highest reading since June 2013 and up from 50.9 in December 2013. However, this limited expansion also raised concerns that the policy tightening of Indonesia's central bank (Bank Indonesia) has not been as effective as hoped for.

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  • 2013's Growing Number of Tourists in Indonesia Meets Government Target

    On Monday (03/02), Statistics Indonesia released various data regarding Indonesia's tourism sector. According to the institution, the number of foreign tourist in Indonesia increased 9.42 percent to 8.80 million people in the full year of 2013. Foreign exchange earnings from the tourism sector grew 11.0 percent to USD $10.1 billion from USD $9.1 billion in 2012. This means that - on average - each foreign tourist spent USD $1,142 per visit in 2013 despite the average length of stay slightly declining from 7.7 days to 7.5 days.

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  • Unexpected December 2013 Surplus Helps to Ease Indonesia's Trade Deficit

    Market participants were pleased to see the trade balance of Indonesia posting an unexpected USD $1.52 billion surplus in December 2013, almost twice as high than previous forecasts. This December surplus is the highest monthly surplus since December 2011. Exports rose 6.56 percent from November 2013 and 10.33 percent from December 2012, while imports rose 2.04 percent from November 2013 but declined 0.79 percent from December 2012. Although showing an easing trend, Indonesia posted a trade deficit of USD $4.06 billion in full 2013.

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