• Amid Improving Global Economy, Indonesia Optimistic about GDP Growth

    Forecasts for economic growth in Indonesia in 2014 are still optimistic. The government of Indonesia targets a 6 percent growth rate, while the country's central bank (Bank Indonesia) expects GDP growth in the range of 5.8 to 6.2 percent. Although these forecasts clearly fall short of the target set in the country's National Medium Term Development Plan (RPJMN) - which mentions annual GDP growth of between 6.3 and 6.8 percent - the forecasts are still rather positive given the global uncertain and volatile economic context in recent years.

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  • International Monetary Fund: Commodity Market Monthly January

    Last Friday, the International Monetary Fund (IMF) released its January 2014 Commodity Market Monthly. This report provides an update on global commodity prices. According to the report, global commodity prices rose 2.4 percent in December 2013, with increases in most main indices. During 2013, commodity prices increased 0.8 percent, with gains concentrated in the energy sector, up 3 percent from December 2012. Metals prices declined 7 percent due to continued increases in new capacity.

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  • Low Indonesian Inflation Rate Expected to Continue into January 2014

    The Governor of Indonesia's central bank (Bank Indonesia), Agus Martowardojo, expects that the pace of inflation in Indonesia in January 2014 is most likely to become one of the lowest January inflation rates in the last five years although it remains important that food supplies are maintained at safe levels. The higher price of LPG in Southeast Asia's largest economy is expected to contribute only slightly to January's inflation rate. Martowardojo also stated that Indonesia's macroeconomy is stable at the start of a new year.

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  • Indonesia's Rupiah Exchange Rate and Stock Index Rise Sharply on Monday

    Both the rupiah exchange rate and the Jakarta Composite Index strengthened significantly on Monday's trading day (13/01) after the government introduced a milder version of its mineral ore export ban on Sunday (12/01). Full implementation of the ban would have burdened the country's already wide current account deficit. The ban immediately pushed up the nickel and copper prices today. The central bank's Jakarta Interbank Spot Dollar Rate (JISDOR) rose 1.75 percent to IDR 12,047 per US dollar on Monday (13/01).

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