• Popular Trading Debut for Sawit Sumbermas Sarana on Stock Exchange

    Sawit Sumbermas Sarana (SSMS), a palm oil plantation company that conducted its initial public offering (IPO) on the Indonesia Stock Exchange on Thursday (12/12), aims for a 15 percent growth (yoy) in net profit in 2014 to IDR 207 billion (USD $17.3 million) as the price of crude palm oil (CPO) is expected to improve. The company's listing on the stock exchange (IDX) was a success, rising almost 12 percent on its debut, supported by foreign enthusiasm. Foreign institutional investors bought 81 percent of the stocks that were issued.

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  • Bappenas: Indonesia Needs IDR 7.200 Trillion for Infrastructure Development

    The Ministry of National Development Planning (Bappenas) estimates that between 2015 and 2020 the country needs IDR 7.200 trillion (USD $600 billion) for investments in infrastructure. However, the central government can only supply about 25 percent of the needed investments. These figures are the preliminary results of a study conducted by Bappenas. The study, which focuses on Indonesia's infrastructure development in the period 2015 to 2020, is expected to be completed by March 2014.

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  • Bank Indonesia: Indonesia's Interest Rate (BI Rate) Stays at 7.50%

    In Bank Indonesia's Board of Governors' meeting - held on Thursday (12/12) - it was decided to keep the country's benchmark interest rate (BI rate) at 7.50 percent. Executive Director of Bank Indonesia's Communication Department Difi A. Johansyah said that the current rate of 7.50 percent is in line with the institution's inflation target of 4.5 percent (plus or minus one percent). The lending facility and deposite facility (Fasbi) rates are also maintained at 7.5 percent and 5.75 percent respectively.

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  • Developing Asia Growth Outlook Steady as Industrial Economies Firm

    An improving economic growth outlook in both Japan and the USA paired with stronger-than- expected growth in the People’s Republic of China (PRC) support a steady growth outlook for developing Asia, says a new Asian Development Bank (ADB) report. The Asian Development Outlook Supplement, released on Wednesday (11/12), forecasts growth of 6.0 percent in 2013 for ADB’s 45 developing member countries, improving to 6.2 percent in 2014. The forecasts are unchanged from the Asian Development Outlook Update issued in October.

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