• Indonesia's Domestic Consumption Will Grow in the Next 5 to 10 Years

    Indonesia's domestic consumption is expected to continue its steady growth in the next five to 10 years as Indonesia's rapidly expanding middle class is becoming increasingly consumptive and eager to follow the latest trends (purchasing the latest trendy products). This expanding middle class is the result of robust economic growth in Southeast Asia's largest economy. Although currently slowing, the country's annual gross domestic product growth has reached an average of almost 6 percent since 2005.

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  • Indonesia Investments' Newsletter of 8 December 2013 Released

    Today (08/12), the latest edition of our newsletter was published. Our newsletter contains the most important economic, political and social news stories from Indonesia that were reported on in the last seven days. This is of especial importance for those that engage in business in Indonesia or those that are interested to invest in Southeast Asia's largest economy as it will provide a thorough update about Indonesia's macroeconomy. Occasionally, our newsletter also contain event announcements.

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  • Bali Package Important Step for the WTO's Doha Development Round

    After two long days of intense negotiations, Director of the World Trade Organization Roberto Azevedo announced that the discussions have resulted in the Bali declaration on Saturday morning (07/12). The agreement between the participants were put in 10 documents, known as the Bali Package, and cover trade facilitation (trade liberalizations), agriculture, cotton and development. Azevedo stressed the importance of the agreement when he said "[for the] first time in our history, the WTO has truly delivered."

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  • Indonesia's Foreign Exchange Reserves Unchanged in November 2013

    The central bank of Indonesia (Bank Indonesia) announced that Indonesia’s official reserve assets totaled USD $97.0 billion at the end of November 2013 thus unchanged from the end of the previous month. Bank Indonesia stated that this amount is equivalent to 5.5 months of import or 5.3 months of import and servicing of government external debt. After having grown sharply in recent years, Indonesia's foreign exchange reserves have fallen from USD $112.8 billion at end-2012 as Bank Indonesia tried to support the depreciating rupiah exchange rate.

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