• Profile of Trans Power Marine: Indonesian Ship Transport Company

    Indonesia Investments added the company profile of Trans Power Marine in the Indonesian companies section. Trans Power Marine (TPMA) is a listed Indonesian shipping company that engages in the transport of bulk goods, in particular coal. Although coal prices have plunged in recent years, the financial performance of Trans Power Marine was relatively unaffected because most of the company's customers are end-users. The company conducted its initial public offering (IPO) in February 2013.

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  • Indonesia's Depreciating Rupiah Rate Continues its Downward Spiral

    The Indonesian rupiah continued its downward spiral on Monday morning (25/11). The central bank's mid rate fell 0.14 percent to IDR 11,722 per US dollar. Last week, the rupiah fell amid negative market sentiments brought on by the result of the Federal Reserve's FOMC meeting. The result seems to indicate that it will not take long before the quantitative easing program will be wound down. Contrary to the Australian dollar as well as the Indian rupee, news about the forthcoming financial reformation in China is unable to the support the rupiah.

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  • Indonesia Infrastructure Update: Trans Java Railroad Nearing Completion

    According to the Deputy Minister of Transportation Bambang Susantono, the construction of the Trans-Java railroad is well on its way and might be fully operational from the first quarter of 2014. The Trans-Java railroad is a 727-kilometer double-track railroad that connects Jakarta and Surabaya, Indonesia's two largest cities. Most of the railroad, which costs the government IDR 9.8 trillion (USD $852.2 million), will be ready for use before New Year but there are still a few plots of land that the government needs to acquire.

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  • Company Profile of Indonesia AirAsia: A Growing Indonesian Low-Cost Carrier

    Indonesia Investments uploaded the company profile of Indonesia AirAsia in the Indonesian Companies section. Indonesia AirAsia, unit of Malaysia's AirAsia, is a private company that engages in low-budget airline services in Indonesia. Although small compared to Lion Air (the dominating force in Indonesia's low cost segment), Indonesia AirAsia posts good growth in the region's most prospective air travel market. In the second quarter of 2013, its total number of passengers increased 33 percent (yoy) to 1.92 million people.

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