• Indonesia Popular as Investment Target for Hotel Construction

    Investors regard Indonesia as one of the most attractive countries in terms of tourism. This statement is evidenced by investments in Indonesia's hotel construction sector. In 2012, Indonesia was ranked third of the whole Asian region in terms of largest investments in hotel construction. Total investments - both domestic and foreign investments - in this sector of Southeast Asia's largest economy amounted to USD $869.8 million in 2012, a 210 percent increase compared to the previous year.

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  • Company Profile of XL Axiata: a Leading Cellular Operator in Indonesia

    Indonesia Investments updated the company profile of XL Axiata. The company is one of Indonesia’s leading cellular service providers, offering various types of telecommunication products and services including Voice, SMS, Data, and other mobile telecommunication services to Indonesians through its extensive network in the country. However, Indonesia's telecommunication market has lost some of its glory as the mobile phone market has become saturated while competition remains rife.

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  • Indonesian Government Preparing Additional Policy Approach Package

    The government of Indonesia is busy preparing an extra package of policy responses aimed at stabilizing Indonesia's financial markets. Previously, the government had released a sort of 'rescue package' in late August after the rupiah depreciated sharply and the country's stock indices plunged. Panic had emerged due to the looming end of the Federal Reserve's quantitative easing program. Coupled with internal issues, it resulted in robust capital outflows from Indonesia. The new package will be released in October.

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  • Public-Private Partnership Projects in Indonesia Remain Troublesome

    The realization of infrastructure projects through the Indonesian government's public-private partnership (PPP) scheme is yet to bear fruit. Up to this day, PPP infrastructure projects in Indonesia are still constrained by the difficulty of land acquisition, regulatory uncertainties and lack of funding. These investments projects are not among the most popular investment projects of private investors because they usually involve expensive (and risky) investments as well as patience while waiting for return of investment.

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