• Company Profile of Atlas Resources: an Indonesian Coal Mining Company

    Indonesia Investments has added the company profile of Atlas Resources to the Indonesian Companies' database. Atlas Resources is an Indonesian coal mining company that targets for business growth through acquisitions, explorations and development (with a focus on smaller scale regional coal concessions). Similar to other Indonesian coal miners, the company has to cope with weak global coal demand and the subsequent weak coal price. The company's exploratory and production activities are mainly conducted on Sumatra and Kalimantan.

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  • Tower Bersama Infrastructure: Leading Telecommunication Tower Provider

    Tower Bersama Infrastructure is one of the leading independent tower companies in Indonesia. Its principal business involves leasing space for antennas and other equipment for wireless signal transmission at tower sites and shelter-only sites under long-term lease agreements with telecommunication operators. The company also provides telecommunication operators with access to its Distributed Antennae System (“DAS”) networks in shopping malls and office buildings in major urban areas.

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  • Indonesia May Become the World's Largest Oil Importer by 2018

    Indonesia is expected to replace the United States as the world's largest importer of oil by 2018, unless the country is able to limit domestic oil consumption or boost the nation's oil production. Recently, Indonesia has put more effort in limiting oil imports as these have caused a widening trade deficit. The trade deficit was at a new record high at USD $5.65 billion in the first seven months of 2013, particularly caused by the country's oil & gas deficit (USD $7.6 billion), while the non-oil & gas sector posted a surplus of USD $1.9 billion.

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  • Construction Sector of Indonesia Feels Impact of Economic Challenges

    Indonesia's construction industry, which accounts for about ten percent of the country's gross domestic product (GDP), is experiencing turbulent times as the sector is impacted upon by three issues, namely higher minimum wages, higher subsidized fuel prices as well as the depreciating rupiah (against the US dollar). Concerns have arisen that a number of projects cannot be finished due to these issues. Moreover, companies may feel forced to dimiss workers in order to keep a healthy financial balance sheet.

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