• Company Profile of Bank Central Asia; One of Indonesia's Largest Lenders

    Indonesia Investments updated the company file of Bank Central Asia (BCA). The company is Indonesia’s largest lender by market value and the country's second largest bank by assets. Robust loan disbursements translated into BCA's higher net profit growth in the first half of 2013. In this period the bank posted a 19.3 percent growth (yoy) in net profits to IDR 6.3 trillion, mainly supported by higher net interest income and fee-based income. The bank's loan portfolio grew 24 percent to IDR 280.4 trillion.

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  • KMI Wire and Cable: a Leading Producer of Cables in Indonesia

    KMI Wire and Cable is one of Indonesia’s leading producers of cables and one of the main suppliers to large state-controlled companies such as Perusahaan Listrik Negara, Indonesia's electricity distributor, and Telekomunikasi Indonesia, the country's largest telecommunication company. KMI Wire and Cable is also a major cable supplier to private and industrial sectors, namely oil and gas, mining, various industrial and many others, either directly or through its nation-wide chains of distributors and resellers.

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  • Aviation Industry in Indonesia: What are Indonesia's Top Airlines?

    The aviation industry in the Asia-Pacific region has shown robust growth in recent years. This region is one of the world's fastest growing regions in terms of air travel. In the next 20 years, an average annual seven percent growth of air traffic is expected. Indonesia, the current engine of economic growth in Southeast Asia and one of the largest economies in the Asia-Pacific, contains a burgeoning middle class that is increasingly using airplanes for domestic as well as international transport.

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  • Real Estate Indonesia: Open up Property Sector to Foreign Ownership

    Real Estate Indonesia (REI) advises the Indonesian government to open up the country's property sector to foreign ownership as this is considered to benefit the Indonesian economy through the collection of taxes and foreign exchange earnings. According to Teguh Kinarto, vice-chairman of the REI's Central Board, the state can gain a lot of revenues through taxes, such as the property tax of 10%, luxury tax of 20%, as well as various other taxes. Currently, foreigners can only buy the right to use property in Indonesia, not the right to own.

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